Church Center is a user-friendly mobile and web app by Planning Center that keeps you connected with everything happening at Impact Church. With Church Center, you can easily stay updated with your Impact group, register for events, manage your giving, and keep your contact information up to date. Simply log in to access your account and group information, ensuring your personal data remains secure. Enjoy seamless access to church life, all in one place!
Let’s get started
The Church Center app is available for both iOS and Android through the links below. We recommend using the mobile app for its ease of use and on-the-go access, but you can also use the Church Center web app. Both versions offer the same great features, ensuring you stay connected wherever you are.
2. lOG INto the app
You’ll only have to do these steps the first time you open the app:
Use location – zip code 33014
Search Impact Church Miami
Tap Next to agree to the terms of service and privacy policy